
Mekhman Gafarly: Chemical Weapons Could Get to Syrian Militants only through Turkey

Political scientist Mekhman Gafarlyhas commented to “NewsBalt” the information of Turkish internet-resources about the supply of Syrian mutineers.

Already on 28 August 2013, representative of Syria to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari condemned mutineers who had used chemical weapons that had given foreign powers the reason for the organization of an armed invasion into the country.In particular, the diplomat stated that the West and Turkey “had allowed terrorist groups to create a laboratory for the production of chemical weapons in Turkish territory using materials produced in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar… and deliver these chemical weapons for its usage in Syria”.

As it turned out on the same day on several Turkish sites (in particular Turkish-media.com andDunyabulteni.net) there appeared interesting information which meaning is the following: reliable sources inform that on 23 August (2013) through the territory of Southern Turkish region Khatin a convoy of 20 trucksproceeded with carrying capacity of 20 tons each escorted by Turkish military including employees ofsecret services of Turkey. After crossing the border in Idlib city in the territory of Syria the convoy was met by militants from the group “Jabhat al Nusra”. According to the words of one of Turkish frontier-guards chemical weapons were carried in three of these trucks. What was in other trucks the frontier-guard didn`t know. Of course there was no word about any control on the border.

There is no doubt that in the case of using of chemical weapons from the Syrian army`s side the slightest signs of it would be fixed be satellite tracking systems. But for some reason, nobody fixed the facts of this weapon usage in the suburbs of Damascus.

Of course, nobody affirms that exactly the weapons carried through Idlib were used there. And the Turkish convoy with chemical weapons itself could be far neither the first nor the last. However the totality of all the circumstances indicates directly the true organizers and executives of “little chemical war”.

Famous Russian political scientist and publicist Makhman Gafarlyhas commented this situation to “NewsBalt” this way:

— Having no solid evidence and referring only to newspaper publications even if they are published in Turkish editions, I can`t affirm that “Turkey could supply Syrian mutineers with chemical weapons”. We are not American secret services referring to questionable data gathered in social net to affirm that the Syrian army on August 21 used chemical weapons against civilians.

However, logically thinking we can become sure that chemical weapons could get to Syrian militants only through Turkey. There are several circumstances which confirm this information indirectly.

Firstly, prime-minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan is under intense pressure of Washington. Last autumn there erupted a serious scandal in Turkish media as president of the USA Barack Obama spoke to Turkish prime-minister in a loud voice even in a form of insulting, however Erdogan didn`t manage to answer American president accordingly. This pressure especially increased after at the end of May mass anti-government protests began in Turkey. It was found possible to avoid Turkish “revolution” only after Erdogan agreed to fulfill all Washington directives in Syrian conflict. That is Erdogan agreed to assist the USA in overthrow of Syrian president Bashar Assad in exchange to saving his power.

Secondly from the geographical point of view, Syrian militants receive any help only through the territory of Turkey. From the East the borders of Syria are reliably protected by Iran, an ally of Bashar Assad. Southern borders are reliably protected by Syrian frontier-guards themselves. From the South-West the border of Syria is under the control of Israeli frontier-guards who treat any Islamic militants, especially Syrian, extremely negatively. From the West the land borders of Syria are reliably protected by militants of Lebanon movement “Hezbollah” who fight on the side of Syrian governmental troops. From the West the seashore of Syria is reliably protected by Syrian sailors themselves. There remain just Northern territories of Syria bordering Turkey and a considerable part of this state border is not controlled by Syrian frontier-guards at all. It is through Syrian-Turkish border Syrian rebels are supplied with weapons, food, medicines, money and so on.

Thirdly, three months ago in the middle of June Turkish secret services announced that they had caught several Syrian rebels with sarin gas. That time Russian foreign ministry called Turkish authorities to investigate this incident thoroughly. But inder the pressure of the USA Turkish authorities closed the case and no investigations were held. And it was sarin gas that was allegedly used on 21 August during the chemical attack in Damascus`s suburb Eastern Guta. In this connection a quite logical question raises: wasn`t the same sarin which Turkish authorities confiscated from Syrian rebels in June used during the chemical attack near Damascus or the chemical weapons used on 21 August were delivered to Syrian rebels under Washington directive in a new party again through Turkey.

Fourthly among all the neighboring countries only Turkey is the ally of Syrian rebels and is extremely interested in the fall of Bashar Assad`s regime. Now Turkish prime-minister Erdogan is playing a very dangerous game in the region relying on the help of his patron Washington. Erdogan wants through the Islamization of Turkey and neighbor countries once the part of the Osman Empire to restore the Turkish Empire. In Turkish mass media particularly on Turkish TV-channels the campaign praising the Osman Empire has launched. Erdogan dreams to refuse the nowadays Turkish Republic, created by Kemal Ataturk and return Turks and neighboring nations to the Osman Empire.

In the present situation in Turkey such Quixote`s ideas of Erdogan become an extremely dangerous plan. It should be noted that Erdogan`s government not just jeopardize the lives of millions of Syrians but also plays the fate of Turkey itself. But this Erdogan`s plan for Turkey can finish in many tears. Because after long civil war Syria splits into three parts – Sunni`s, Shiite and Kurdish territories. After appearing of one more de-facto independent Kurdish state on the fragments of Syria (de-facto one independent Kurdistan already exists in the North of Iraq), Ankara is not able to fight against Kurdish separatists in the South-East of Turkey. And soon these territories densely populated with Kurds also break away from Turkey and a large Kurdish state appears in the region. Thus Erdogan`s government instead of restoration of the Osman Empire will receive the collapse of nowadays Turkey.